Readiness conditions Adaptation and satisfaction of online learning by students at Prince of Songkla University, Trang Campus Under the concept of a New Normal


  • สุริยันต์ บุญเลิศวรกุล
  • Netnapha Kongjork
  • Pimnara Suksai
  • ธนาวุฒิ หะจิ
  • Supanida Janthong
  • Hasan Akrim Dongnadeng


Readiness, Adaptation, Satisfaction, Online Learning


           This research aims to 1) study students' online teaching readiness, 2) Analyzing the ability to adapt to online learning, 3) study online learning satisfaction, 4) compare the factors available. 5) Analyzing the relationship between readiness and ability to adapt to online learning satisfaction, and 6) studying problems. Obstacles and suggestions for improving online teaching and learning. The sample group was the students of Prince of Songkla University, Trang Campus who were enrolled in courses during Semester 2 of the academic year 2020. By employing a stratified random sampling method, 400 students, consequently, became the sample group of this research. In addition, data collection was undertaken through an questionnaire with the reliability of .987. for data analysis, frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, T-test, F-test, Pearson’s correlation coefficient and content analysis were employed.

            The research findings were as follows:  1) The overall readiness for online learning of students was moderate, 2) the ability to adapt to online learning as a whole was very high, 3) overall online learning satisfaction was very high, 4) students with different years, disciplines and academic levels had a statistically significant difference in overall online satisfaction levels of .05. 5) Readiness and ability to adapt have a positive relationship with the overall level of online learning satisfaction. statistically significant at .01 level and
6) Most students lack availability in facilities. In addition, online teaching affects enthusiasm and concentration due to the lack of interaction between learners and instructors. Group work patterns are more complicated, including more assignments than in regular classrooms. What the university needs to help with includes internet assistance and school supplies, secondly, to require instructors to record lessons so they can return to back-to-back classes, and to reduce costs for students, respectively.


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