An Evaluation of the Master of Education Program in Educational Technology (revised A.D. 2016) Faculty of Education, Burapha University


  • ธนะวัฒน์ วรรณประภา


Evaluation, Curriculum, Educational Technology


This research aimed to study an evaluation of the master of education program in educational technology (Revised A.D. 2016) according to the CIPP Model assessment. The samples include course teacher, instructors, master's degree students, school administrators and private entrepreneurs in Academic year 2019. For quantitative data collection of 38 people; 4 lecturers, 5 instructors, 8 students, 18 institution administrators, 3 private entrepreneurs, and for qualitative data collection of five people 1 person per group, a total of 43 people. Research tools include guidelines for group discussion and in 5 questionnaires for course teachers, instructors, master's degree students, school administrators and private entrepreneurs. Statistics used in data analysis include mean, standard deviation and content analysis. The research findings showed that the overall is suitable a high level (M= 4.37,
SD = 0.98) it was found that has the highest level of evaluation in 2 areas which are the process (M= 4.72, SD = 0.91) and the inputs (M= 4.53, SD = 0.79). The production and context results were at a high level (M= 4.47, SD = 0.78; M= 4.20, SD = 1.09). Consistent with the results of qualitative research, it was found that the key informant had the overall opinion on the course in all aspects of the program and should be updated on the basic curriculum for those without a bachelor's degree in education.


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