The Guidelines for the Development of Administrators Transformational Leadership under the Phichit Primary Educational Service Area Office 2

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Arpawan Jakkhuean
Teeppipat Suntawan
Paponsan Potipitak


The purposes of this research were to study, find the guidelines and evaluate the guidelines for the development of administrators transformational leadership. The research was divided into 3 steps: 1) studying the transformational leadership of administrators. The sample consisted of 285 teachers that obtained by using Krejcie & Morgan formula and simple random sampling. The instrument used in collecting the data was a questionnaire concerning the transformational leadership of administrators with the validity between 0.67 - 1.00 and the reliability at 0.89. Data was analyzed by mean and standard deviation, 2) Finding the guidelines for the development of administrators transformational leadership was conducted by the discussion group comprising 7 experts. The instrument used in collecting the data was the recording form of discussion group. Data was analyzed by content analysis and 3) evaluating the guidelines for the development of administrators transformational leadership. The sample were 30 administrators. The instrument used in collecting the data was the evaluation form concerning the guidelines for the development of administrators transformational leadership with the validity between 0.67 - 1.00 and the reliability of 0.97. Data was analyzed by mean and standard deviation.

            The research results were found as follows;

            1.  The level of administrators transformational leadership in overall was at the high level. When considering in each aspect, it was found that the highest transformational leadership was the ideological influence, followed by the consideration of the individual, the intellectual stimulation and the inspiration creation, respectively.  2. The guidelines for the development of administrators transformational leadership were as follows: 1) the ideological influence was the administrators should be the leaders of thinking, practical and be a good role model by working for the success of school. 2) The inspiration creation was the administrators should be a leader in work, supervise the work, support, create and encouragement the morale for co-workers. 3) The intellectual stimulation was the administrators should find the ways to prevent problems, and use a variety of systematic problem solving methods and 4) The consideration of the individual was the administrators should have the ability and consider the individual differences in assigning work appropriately.  3. The evaluation of the guidelines for the development of administrators transformational leadership in overall was at the highest level. The aspect of accuracy was at the highest level. The aspect of appropriateness was at the highest level. The aspect of feasibility was at the highest, and the aspect of usefulness was at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Jakkhuean, A., Suntawan, T. ., & Potipitak, P. . (2024). The Guidelines for the Development of Administrators Transformational Leadership under the Phichit Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. Education Journal Faculty of Education, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University, 7(2), 371–384.
Research Articles


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