Guidelines for Developing Teacher Competencies under the Office of Educational Service Areas Kamphaeng Phet Primary School, Area 1 in Mueang Kamphaeng Phet District
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This research aims to 1) study the competencies and development challenges of teachers in educational institutions, 2) compare teacher competencies in educational institutions categorized by educational level, work experience, and school size, and 3) identify ways to develop teacher competencies in educational institutions. The sample group consists of teachers affiliated with the Office of Primary Education Area Kamphaeng Phet District 1 in the first semester of the academic year 2565, totaling 250 individuals. The sample group was selected using stratified random sampling. Data were collected through questionnaires and interviews, with a reliability coefficient of 0.94. Data analysis involved calculating means, standard deviations, and conducting a one-way analysis of variance. Research findings reveal that:
1) overall teacher competencies in educational institutions are at a high level, with the highest proficiency observed in ethical and professional morality and quality service, and the lowest in analysis, synthesis, and research for student development. 2) Comparisons of teacher competencies based on variables such as educational level and work experience showed no significant differences. However, differences were observed in school size, particularly between small and large schools, and medium and large schools. and 3) Recommendations for developing teacher competencies include promoting the analysis of the organizational environment and the SWOT analysis of the institution, planning tasks in operational plans, providing clear work instructions, organizing training programs, utilizing the PLC process, establishing suitable learning resources, and implementing effective monitoring and reporting mechanisms. Additionally, administrators should serve as role models in developing competencies for subordinates.
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