Developing of Virtual Classroom to Enhance Problem-Solving Skills in Solving Math Problems for Prathomsuksa 3 Students

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Sureeyachai Pinkaew
Fisik Sean Buakanok


The purpose of this research were 1) to create and determine the effectiveness of the virtual classroom to promote problem-solving skills about Mathematical Problem Solving of Grade 3 2) to compare the problem-solving skills before and after learning of Grade 3 students learning with a virtual classroom about mathematical problem solving, 3) to study the satisfaction of Grade 3 students learning with a virtual classroom about mathematical problem solving. The target group is grade 9 students at Banthunghao School who will study in the 2023 academic year, by purposive sampling. Research tools consist of 1) a virtual classroom on solving math problems 2) a problem-solving skills test it has a difficulty value between 0.20-0.80 and a discriminatory power between 0.20-1.00, 3) virtual classroom learning satisfaction questionnaire solving math problems has an accuracy value between 0.50 -1.00 and 4) Problem solving skills assessment, the difficulty value is between 0.20-0.80 and the discriminatory power is between 0.20-1.00. The statistics used in data analysis were mean and standard deviation. The results of the research showed:

            1) results of creating and determining efficiency of a virtual classroom to promote problem-solving skills about mathematical problem solving of Grade 3 students who were taken to experts to check suitability, it was found that the suitability of the virtual classroom is very good and the results of calculating the efficiency of the virtual classroom were 80.67/82.25. 2) comparative results of problem-solving skills of Grade 3 students learning with a virtual classroom about mathematical problem solving before studying were 18.44 and after studying were 26.11, was higher than before, 3) satisfaction evaluation results of Grade 3 students studying in the virtual classroom about mathematical problem solving, satisfaction was the highest level (μ = 4.86).

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How to Cite
Pinkaew, S., & Buakanok, F. S. . (2024). Developing of Virtual Classroom to Enhance Problem-Solving Skills in Solving Math Problems for Prathomsuksa 3 Students. Education Journal Faculty of Education, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University, 7(2), 37–49.
Research Articles


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