Using STEM EDUCATION Management to Develop Creative Problem-Solving Skills in the Uttaradit Lai Phae Fai Tradition of Mathayomsuksa 2 Students

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Wipaporn Wiang-Ngurn
Sirinapa Kijkuakul


This research aims to 1) study how to use STEM EDUCATION, 2) to develop the creative problem-solving skills of Mathayomsuksa 2 students in Prisms and Cylinders and 3) study the results of developing creative problem-solving skills of Mathayomsuksa 2 students in Prisms and Cylinders using STEM EDUCATION management. The target groups were 2 students studying in the 2nd semester of the 2022 academic year from one of the Educational Opportunity Expansion Schools in Tron District, Uttaradit Province with purposive sampling. The research instruments included activity form, reflective form, students’ tasks, and a creative problem- solving skill test with the reliability level of 0.879. The data were analyzed through content analysis. The findings found that

            1) the STEM EDUCATION approach needed 6 steps: (1) problem identification: it concerned the use of a situation that is relevant to students’ everyday lives; (2) data gathering: students should be able to understand the various concepts involved in the situation; (3) process design for problem solving: this encouraged students to use mathematical concepts to solve problems; (4) planning and solving a problem, this enabled students to see the relationship between the mathematical concepts and tasks; (5) testing and improving the tasks, students needed to present them clearly in front of the class and (6) presenting solutions, this allowed students to reflect on how to use mathematical concepts to solve problems or tasks. 2) Students can develop creative problem-solving skills by being able to understand the problem with the best ability but have the least ability to prepare to take an action, and 3) the results of developing creative problem-solving skills were found that in the 1st – 3rd cycles, the students had an average percentage in a good level of 87.5%, 75%, and 87.5% respectively.

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How to Cite
Wiang-Ngurn, W., & Kijkuakul, S. . (2024). Using STEM EDUCATION Management to Develop Creative Problem-Solving Skills in the Uttaradit Lai Phae Fai Tradition of Mathayomsuksa 2 Students. Education Journal Faculty of Education, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University, 7(1), 142–153.
Research Articles


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