Project Evaluation of Schools Promotion and Support for the External Quality Assessment Under Kamphaengphet Primary Educational Service Area Office 2

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Paweenwat Khuntienkhemmachat


The objectives this research to 1) evaluate the context of the school promotion and support project for the external quality assessment 2) evaluate the basic inputs of the project for the external quality assessment 3) evaluate the process of the project for the external quality assessment and 4) evaluate the project outputs. The sample ware 114 participants, which were using a simple random sampling method. The research tools were Rating Scale 5-level. The first questionnaire for the educational quality development plan committee assessed before the project in terms of context and primary factors. has a reliability value of 0.79. The second questionnaire for the committee for developing the educational quality development plan assessed during the project in terms of the process has a reliability value of 0.87. And the third questionnaire for executives and teachers responsible for quality assurance within educational institutions assess after project implementation in terms of productivity has a reliability value of 0.93. The statistics used for were mean and standard deviation. The research findings were as follows:

            Project Evaluation of Schools Promotion and Support for the External Quality Assessment Under Kamphaengphet Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 met the criteria with a high average level. As follows 1) Context evaluation, which overall was at a high level. indicating that the project conformed to the problems and needs. 2) Input evaluation, which was the highest overall. indicating that guidance, supervising, promotion, and support for school were continuous and consistent. 3) Process evaluation, which overall was at a high level. indicating that the working group brainstormed and collaborated well, with the highest average level. And 4) Product evaluation, which overall was at a high level. indicating that the evaluation practice provided useful feedback and suggestions for improvement that schools could apply, with the highest average level.

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How to Cite
Khuntienkhemmachat, P. (2024). Project Evaluation of Schools Promotion and Support for the External Quality Assessment Under Kamphaengphet Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. Education Journal Faculty of Education, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University, 7(1), 32–42.
Research Articles


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