Development of an Environment Learning Activities Package for Analytical Thinking Development of undergraduate students: a Case Study of Tha Kham Natural Island Mangrove Forest

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Sureeporn Thummikkaphong
Duangporn Pupaka
Sataporn Deeying


The objectives of research were to 1) develop and evaluate the effectiveness of an environmental and 2) develop analytical thinking among second-year students in the Department of Environmental Science, using the environmental learning activities package. The sample consisted of 11 students from the Environmental Science Program, Year 2, Semester 1, Academic Year 2021, who were chosen by purposive sampling method. The research tools consisted of an expert assessment form for developing a package of learning activities, four sets of environmental learning activities, the achievement test, and an assessment form for analytical thinking. For data collecting, students were asked to take a test before participating in the learning activities. During the event, worksheet and analytical thinking scores were collected, and students were asked to take a test after participating in the learning activities.

            The results showed that environmental learning activities package had been considered and evaluated by experts, with four sets of high-level assessment results. The environmental learning activities package was effective on criteria E1/E2=83.63/81.13. The results of analytical thinking development of Year 2 environmental science students from using of environmental learning activities package in real-world conditions showed that most of the students had good analytical scores, and analytical thinking was improved. The students’ achievement before and after using the environmental learning activities package was different, with a statistical significance of .05.

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How to Cite
Thummikkaphong, S. ., Pupaka, D. ., & Deeying, S. . (2023). Development of an Environment Learning Activities Package for Analytical Thinking Development of undergraduate students: a Case Study of Tha Kham Natural Island Mangrove Forest. Education Journal Faculty of Education, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University, 6(3), 13–24.
Research Articles


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