A Study of Problems of The Implementation of Professional Learning Community Principle in Schools under The Office of Suphanburi Primary Educational Service Area 3
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The objectives of this study were to study and compare Problems of the Implementation of Professional Learning Community Principle in Schools classified by position, educational level and work experience. The sample comprised 35 administrators and 251 teachers, totaling 286 people. The research instrument was a questionnaire according to the on the Problems in the operation of the community of professional learning of educational institutions with the reliability as 0.77 The statistics used in the data analysis were mean, percentage, standard deviation, t-test independent, analysis of variance (One-way ANOVA) and Scheffe’s method of multiple comparison tests. The study findings were as follows:
1) Problems of the Implementation of Professional Learning Community Principle in Schools in overall level was at a high level To consider each aspect, it was found that the most problematic level by shared leadership, followed by teamwork, and the lowest was roles of shared vision, respectively. 2) The results of the comparison of the opinions of the school administrators and teachers on Problems in the operation of the community of professional learning of educational institutions the Office of Suphanburi Primary Educational Service Area 3, classified by position, it was found that overall, it was found that overall there was no difference, thus rejecting the research hypothesis Classified by educational level and work experience, it was found that overall there was difference, at .05 level according to the research hypothesis. Three pairs are school administrators and teachers with less than 5 and 5-10 years of work experience and less than 5 and 10 years of work experience and 5-10 and 10 years of work experience.
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