Administrators with New Roles in Education Administration in the Future

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Patcharaporn Duangchurn


Nowadays, new technologies have played an important role in changing the world which may be called “disruptive technologies”. They affect the lives of all people, making the world in a state of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. The objective of this article is to present perspective on the new role of administrators to the changing world in three key areas: 1) Self-improvement to be aware of the changing world, 2) Development of the ability to manage learning and 3) Assessing learning outcomes of learners. The goal is to transform the concept of traditional learning administration into a learning administration that aims to improve the learners' ability to live in a dynamic world. The recommendations for Thai administrators are as follows: 1) developing themselves to be knowledgeable in various fields, knowledge and essential skills in the future for learners, 2) transforming learning management into a format that leads to the digital world and 3) applying holistic measurements and assessments that encompass knowledge, skills/competencies and desirable characteristics of the learners by using authentic measurement and assessment.

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How to Cite
Duangchurn, P. . (2023). Administrators with New Roles in Education Administration in the Future. Education Journal Faculty of Education, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University, 6(1), 191–202. Retrieved from
Academic article


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