The Effects of King Science Knowledge Based Transfer of Pre-Service Teachers to Promote Learners’ The Degree of Participation Citizen Science in Phetchabun Province

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Nuntawan Phuaphan


This research aimed to study good practices in using to King science knowledge-based transfer of pre-service teachers to promote learners’ the degree of participation citizen science. Using the qualitative research. In phase1 the participants were 30 pre-service teachers In phase 2 the participants were 4 pre-service teacher (Purposive Sampling). The research instruments were lesson plans, semi-structure interview, observation form and assessment of lesson plans form. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and content analysis. The research result found that good practices as follows;

            1) Use of stimulating questioning techniques that caused an internal explosion to create understanding, to be curious. 2) The stage of creating interest starting from solving problems from a small point near you. 3) Group cooperation focuses on working holistically. 4) The stage of understand content from within access to problems and 5) development stage and presentation. In the class of the 3 pre-service teachers had a level 3 and only one of the pre-service teachers had level 2. It was also found that King's knowledge of science that students often use in thinking, planning, solving problems. related to science in that community Most of the principles are solving problems from a small point, following a hierarchy. and working holistically The students learn through doing activities on their own. From the problems related to science in the real area and have designed a plan to solve the initial problems.

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How to Cite
Phuaphan , N. . (2023). The Effects of King Science Knowledge Based Transfer of Pre-Service Teachers to Promote Learners’ The Degree of Participation Citizen Science in Phetchabun Province. Education journal Faculty of Education, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University, 6(1), 23–35. retrieved from
Research Articles


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