Guidelines for Organizing Intensive Courses to Develop Communication Skills that affect the Quality of Life of Migrant Workers in Thailand

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Suchada Tangsirin


This article aims to analyze guidelines for organizing an intensive course to develop communication skills that affect the quality of life of migrant workers in Thailand, which is a labor group according to the memorandum of understanding cooperation in the employment of workers between the states: MOU. They consist of Burmese, Laotian, Cambodian and Vietnamese migrant workers. The curriculum guidelines consist of four main guidelines: guidelines for setting the objectives of the curriculum that should meet the needs of living, working, and having fun; guidelines for setting content should Integrating listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in a communication context for a living and working with the culture of Thai society; guidelines for  learning management should be driven by the direct method, and guidelines for evaluation should encourage students know how to learn by integrating the formative assessment with the summative assessment. However, organizing an intensive course according to the aforementioned guidelines will be an important tool in developing Thai language communication skills for foreign workers in the process of importing foreign workers for better quality and efficiency. This will affect the economic growth of Thailand to be effective in the future.

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How to Cite
Tangsirin, S. (2022). Guidelines for Organizing Intensive Courses to Develop Communication Skills that affect the Quality of Life of Migrant Workers in Thailand. Education journal Faculty of Education, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University, 5(3), 132–143. retrieved from
Academic article


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