A Study of The Effects of Mathematics Learning Activities on Polynomial by Constructivism Theory Approach Cooperated with Student Teams Achievement Divisions Technique (STAD) for Secondary School Grade 8

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Jantima Prongkhonburi
Nipon Fauiboon


This research aimed to study 1) to study the effects of mathematics learning activities on polynomial for secondary school grade 8 with the criterion efficiency of E1/E2.  2) to compare the academic achievement in mathematics on the subject under study prior to and after the study, 3) to examines the student satisfaction with the learning activities on polynomial by constructivism theory approach cooperated with student teams achievement divisions technique (STAD) for secondary school grade 8. The sample consisted of thirty-five grade 8 students in the first semester of the academic year 2019 in one classroom at the demonstration school of Ramkhamhaeng University (secondary level) using the technique of cluster random sampling. The research instruments consisted of lesson plans, an academic achievement test, and a form to measure the student satisfaction with the learning activities. The statistics used in data analysis were mean, percentage, and standard deviation. The technique of t-test dependent was used to test the hypothesis. The research was as follows:

            1) The mathematics learning activities developed exhibited an efficiency of 83.16/82.10 in accordance with the set criterion efficiency of E1/E2, 2) The academic achievement in mathematics on polynomial by constructivism theory approach cooperated with student teams achievement divisions technique (STAD) for secondary school grade 8 was higher after the study than prior to the study at the statistically significant level of .05. 3) The level of student satisfaction with the learning activities on polynomial by constructivism theory approach cooperated with student teams achievement divisions technique (STAD) for secondary school grade 8 overall was at a high level with the mean being 4.19.

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How to Cite
Prongkhonburi, J. ., & Fauiboon, N. . (2022). A Study of The Effects of Mathematics Learning Activities on Polynomial by Constructivism Theory Approach Cooperated with Student Teams Achievement Divisions Technique (STAD) for Secondary School Grade 8. Education Journal Faculty of Education, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University, 5(3), 59–69. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/edunsrujo/article/view/257452
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