The Effects of Active Learning Management with Think – Pair - Share on Mathematical Reasoning Ability and Achievement of Mathayomsuksa 3 Students

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Pronpawee Chanthum
Pantipa Tantinai
Vetcharit Angganapattarakajorn



The purposes of this research were; to compare mathematical reasoning ability and mathematical achievement of Mathayomsuksa 3 students after using active learning management with think – pair – share technique with a 70 percent criterion. The sample group was 40 Mathayomsuksa 3/2 students at Sriracha school in the 2020 academic year who were selected by a cluster random sampling. The instruments of this research consisted of seven lesson plans, a mathematical reasoning ability test with the reliability of 0.90, and a mathematical achievement test with the reliability of 0.89. The statistics for analyzing the data were means, standard deviation and t-test for one sample. The research results were that:

            1) mathematical reasoning ability of the sample group after using active learning management with think – pair – share technique was higher than the 70 percent criterion at .05 level of significance, and         2) the mathematical achievement of similarity after using with active learning management with think – pair – share technique was higher than the 70 percent criterion at .05 level of significance.

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How to Cite
Chanthum, P., Tantinai, P. ., & Angganapattarakajorn, V. . (2022). The Effects of Active Learning Management with Think – Pair - Share on Mathematical Reasoning Ability and Achievement of Mathayomsuksa 3 Students. Education journal Faculty of Education, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University, 5(2), 8–16. retrieved from
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