Case Study : Pregnancy in Collage

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Plengprai Rattanawong


This research paper is a case study on factors contributing in student become pregnant during college years of tertiary education. The data providers are two students currently in tertiary education who had gone through pregnancy and kept the baby to term. Research tools used for data collection are biographical method, in-depth interview, and content analysis. The research found three dimensions contributing to pregnancy during college: 1) the personal dimension which refer to negative factors are negligence on birth control, incorrect use of contraception, fear of disappointing family, fear of personal future, and positive factors are their trust in love ones to give needed support; 2) the social environment dimension which refer to negative factors are such as restrictive upbringing and physical distance from their family, and positive factors are their lover acceptance and understanding, their lover’s family support, and the campus allowing them to continue their education; 3) the behavioral dimension which refer to negative factors are the act of hiding their pregnancy from their family, and positive factors is  them keeping the child.

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How to Cite
Rattanawong, P. (2022). Case Study : Pregnancy in Collage . Education Journal Faculty of Education, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University, 5(2), 38–52. Retrieved from
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