Administrators’ Leadership Strategy for the 21st Century of the School Administrators That Affect the Motivation the Performance of the Teachers in School in Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 2

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Jirayu Sri sa-nga chai


This research aimed to study 1) the study development of administrators’ leadership  strategy for the 21st century in school in Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, 2) compare the affect the motivation the performance of the teachers in school in Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 2  and 3) study relationship and create a forecast equation between 21st century strategic leadership of school administrators and performance motivation of teachers under Roi Et Elementary Education Service Area Office 2. The sample was 274 school Administrators and teachers in Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, they was selected by simple random sampling. The tool used to collect the data was an estimation scale type questionnaire. The data analysis by averaging standard deviation and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The research results were found as follows;

            1) The level of administrators’ leadership strategy for the 21st century in school in Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 showed that totally at the total and each high level (gif.latex?\bar{X} =3.79, S.D.= 0.79). 2) The level of the affect the motivation the performance of the teachers in school in Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 showed that totally at high level (gif.latex?\bar{X} = 3.76, S.D. = 0.78)  3) The correlation between 21st century strategic leadership of school administrators and performance motivation of teachers under Roi Et Elementary Education Service Area Office 2 had a high positive correlation ,statistically significant at the .05 level. Create a forecast equation as follows:

            The regression coefficients in raw score;

                   gif.latex?\hat{Y} = 1.797+.099(X 13)+.413(X21)+.165(X11)+.322(X14)

            The regression coefficients in standard score;

                gif.latex?\hat{Z} = .909(Z13)+.368(Z21)+.152(Z11)+.311(Z14)


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How to Cite
Sri sa-nga chai, J. (2022). Administrators’ Leadership Strategy for the 21st Century of the School Administrators That Affect the Motivation the Performance of the Teachers in School in Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. Education Journal Faculty of Education, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University, 5(2), 53–61. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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