The Relationship Between Academic Administration and Being Professional Learning Community of Srisamrong's Small Schools Sahawitayakate 4

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chanwit chattong


The objectives  of this research were: (1) To examine the academic administration of small schools in Srisamrong Sahawitayakate 4; (2) To examine professional learning community of small schools under Srisamrong Sahawitayakate 4; and (3) investigate the relationship between academic administration and professional learning community of small schools in Srisamrong Sahawitayakate 4.

              This research was a survey research.  The population were the educational personnel of small schools in Srisamrong Sahawitayakate 4, totaling 178 persons.  By using Krejcie and Morgan’s sample size determination table, the researcher selected sample, totaling 124 persons.  The research procedure consisted of 4 stages which were: (1) Examining documents, concepts, theories and studies related; (2) Constructing research instrument; (3) Collecting data; and (4) Analyzing collected data.  The instrument used for collecting the data was a 5-level scale questionnaire.  The statistics used for analyzing the collected data were frequency, percentage, mean, Standard Deviation and Pearson Correlation Coefficient.

               The result of the research found that: (1) The academic administration of small schools in Srisamrong Sahawitayakate 4 was performed at highest level. After item analysis, it was found that each aspect of academic administration was performed at highest level; (2) Professional learning community of the small schools under Srisamrong Sahawitayakate 4 was at highest level.  After item analysis, it was found that each aspect of professional learning community was performed at highest level; and (3) The school academic administration positively correlated with small schools’ professional learning community at the .01 level of statistical significance.

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How to Cite
chattong, chanwit. (2022). The Relationship Between Academic Administration and Being Professional Learning Community of Srisamrong’s Small Schools Sahawitayakate 4. Education Journal Faculty of Education, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University, 5(1), 21–31. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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