The Guidelines for Internal Supervision in Prangku Sahawitayakate under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 28

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สุนารี ศรเพ็ชร



The objectives of this research were: (1) To study the problems concerned with the internal supervision in Prangku Sahawitayakate under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 28, (2) To compare the problems concerned with the internal supervision in Prangku Sahawitayakate under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 28, as classified  by work position, educational level and work experience, and (3) To study guidelines for developing the internal supervision in Prangku Sahawitayakate under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 28.

              This research methodology was a survey research.  The population were school administrators and teachers in Prangku Sahawitayakate under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 28, totaling 275 persons. By using Krejcie and Morgan’s sample size determination table and stratified random sampling, the researcher selected the study sample who were school administrators and teachers in Prangku Sahawitayakate, toaling 162 persons. The instrument used for collecting the data was a 5-level scale questionnaire and open-ended questions.  The statistics used for analyzing the collected data were frequency, percentage, mean, Standard Deviation and t-test.

               The major research findings were as follows: (1) The level of problems concerned with the internal supervision in Prangku Sahawitayakate under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 28 was at high level in all aspeots; (2) The comparison results revealed that, as classified by work position, educational level and work experience, the opinions of school administrators and teachers towards the problems concerned with the internal supervision in Prangku Sahawitayakate under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 28 were overall not different; and (2) The guidelines for developing the internal supervision in Prangku Sahawitayakate under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 28 were that the analysis of school’s data and indicators of educational standards should be made, the school should allow the teachers to participate in analyzing the state of problems and demand for internal supervision, meeting for teachers and the School Committee should be periodically organized, activities, details, goals as well as indicators of internal supervision should be definitely determined, the operation of school’s internal supervision should be performed as mentioned in the school’s supervision calendar, the outcomes of school’s internal supervision should be applied to develop and improve school’s teaching and learning performance, planning and determining process of evaluating and reporting should be made, and the outcomes of the evaluation should be analyzed for the development of school’s internal supervision in the future.


Keywords: Guidelines for Developing, The Internal Supervision         

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How to Cite
ศรเพ็ชร ส. (2021). The Guidelines for Internal Supervision in Prangku Sahawitayakate under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 28. Education journal Faculty of Education, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University, 4(3), 57–68. retrieved from
Research Articles