The Evaluation of the project of (OBEC) Moral School for Anuban Nakhon Sawan School

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ปิยรัตน์ ป้องแสนสี


            The purposes of this research was to evaluate of The project of (OBEC) Moral School  for Anuban Nakhon Sawan School with the following objectives: 1) to evaluate the context of the  project of (OBEC) Moral School for Anuban Nakhon Sawan School, 2) to evaluate the input of the  project of (OBEC) Moral School for Anuban Nakhon Sawan School, 3) to evaluate the process of The  project of (OBEC) Moral School for Anuban Nakhon Sawan School, and 4) to evaluate the produce of The  project of (OBEC) Moral School for Anuban Nakhon Sawan School. The samples used in the study were 94 teachers, 13 basic education committee members, 2,487 students, and 128 parents from parents network, totaling 3,182 people in specific sampling and stratified random sampling. The tools used to collect data in this evaluation was a project evaluation questionnaire with the characteristics of a rating scale of 5 levels, analyzed by means of mean, and standard deviation.

              The results of this research were as follows: 1) evaluation of the context was as a high level. 2) The evaluation of the input was as a highest level. 3) The evaluation of the process was as a highest level. 4)The evaluation of the produce were 4.1) The achievement of the project found that the 4 standard were at a highest level. 4.2) the evaluation of the Behavior identified according to moral identity was at a highest level And 4.3) the evaluation of the satisfaction assessment with the operation of the project of (OBEC) Moral School  for Anuban Nakhon Sawan School found that they were satisfied were at the highest level.

              Suggestions for implementing the project includes 1) The administrators are the leaders in running and developing ‘A Moral School of Office of the Basic Education Commission: OBEC. 2) The administrators should clearly set up a policy of morality and ethics promotion. 3) The administrators require teachers to create a lesson plans that contain morality and ethics. 4) The administrators must act as an example of morality and ethics. 5) The administrators must provide training of morality and ethics and encourage teachers to develop themselves according to the moral identity of the school to be a good example and develop students effectively. 6) Students should be developed according to the moral identity of the school by encouraging students to take action on projects. 7) The administrators encourage students to work as a team using group processes. 8) The school should be improved and developed of the school area to be clean, cool, and pleasant to learn. 9) The administrators encourage the community to participate in school activities on appropriate occasions.

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How to Cite
ป้องแสนสี ป. (2021). The Evaluation of the project of (OBEC) Moral School for Anuban Nakhon Sawan School. Education Journal Faculty of Education, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University, 4(3), 45–56. Retrieved from
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