Nation Status Discrimination : Language Imperialism in English Teaching

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กลวัชร เกษมโชค


The majority of people in language field may have heard that learning any language will get the best result if learning with native speaker. Despite the financial factor, most English learners see itis worthy to invest because of direct learning with them. To say straightforwardly, the word “Native Speaker” has been making a power, exploiting benefits, and giving a privilege of western people. Learning English language with only native users becomes at best effective method. Those are subtly dominant thought. It is a mythology which marginalizes the value of a person, especially teachers who are not the native speakers. Undeniably, theteaching English in Thailand significantly emphasizing on English following a native identity negatively causes non-native speakers because of not using English like natives. Rather, it becomes a wasted opportunity to develop English knowledge in a way it should be and discriminates effective non-native teachers. Hence, a native language obsession is a failure in the English language teaching-learning process. The main issue used for discussion the failure of teaching-learning English process in Thailand through language imperialism is essentially presented in nation, status, and discrimination.

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How to Cite
เกษมโชค ก. (2021). Nation Status Discrimination : Language Imperialism in English Teaching . Education Journal Faculty of Education, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University, 4(2), 1–9. Retrieved from
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