Effects of BBL Playground on Physical Fitness and Physical Intelligence Quotient in Elementary Students
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This study aimed to investigate and compare the effects of playing in a BBL playground on the physical fitness and Physical Intelligence Quotient of elementary school students. The subjects were 30 elementary school students between the ages of 7 and 8 years. BBL playground was used as a teaching method for students 5 days a week, with each session lasting 60 minutes, for the duration of 8 weeks. The IOC scores of the constructed playing program were higher than 0.5 in every item. The physical fitness which was related to students’ health and the Physical Intelligence Quotient (PQ) test was used before and after the experiment by t-test.
The results showed that after using the playing program in BBL playground, the physical fitness of the male students including sit-ups (60 seconds), push-ups (30 seconds), sit and reach, and zig-zag run was improved (p<.05). In the female students, the Body Mass Index including, sit-ups (60 seconds), push-ups (30 seconds) and zig-zag runs was improved (p<.05). In terms of Physical Intelligence Quotient measured by the Physical Intelligence Quotient test, it was found that the average time of putting coins in cans and obstacle racing after the experiment were improved (p<.05).
In conclusion, playing in a BBL playground can improve the students’ physical fitness. It also helped improve students’ Physical Intelligence Quotient in terms of fundamental movement skills and general motor skills involving cognitive response and body control in following orders of the elementary school students.
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