The Effects of the Parasocial Relationship with Celebrity YouTubers Towards Thai Middle Aged Viewers’ Purchase Intentions: The Role of Self-disclosure, Self-brand Connection, and Brand Trust


  • Donyawan Chantokul Martin de Tours School of Management and Economic, Assumption University
  • Marisa Chantamas School of Communication Arts, Assumption University


Parasocial Relationship, Self-brand Connection, Brand Trust, Self-disclosure, Product Placemen


The change in the current digital marketing environment and consumer lifestyle have been driving companies to alter their platforms of communications creating a better connectivity with the target consumers in terms of social media platforms.  This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of viewers’ perceptions of celebrities’ self-disclosure as a moderator on the relationships among parasocial relationship and the self-brand connection and brand trust.  Those will lead viewers to desire to purchase the sponsorship brands presented in product placement context by celebrity YouTubers. The data were collected online from 238 respondents who aged between 45-64 years old and experienced in watching the selected YouTube programs. PROCESS Macro was conducted for testing the proposed hypotheses.  The results found that parasosical relationship between Thai middle-aged viewers and celebrity YouTubers can both directly and indirectly affect viewers’ intentions to purchase the same brands as celebrities. Further, parasocial relationships indirectly influenced purchase intentions via the increase of perceptiveness of self-brand connection and brand trust. Moreover, the result indicated a significant interaction between celebrities’ self-disclosure and parasocial relationship toward self-brand connection and brand trust. The study provides implications in understanding that the use of celebrities as for the company’s brand influencer in the product placement context is still usable. The outcomes of this present study suggest that content creation with the use of product placements in YouTube platform can be the company’s greatest asset if they carefully manage the contents that attract the interest of middle-aged consumers. Especially, when these viewers perceive that YouTube celebrities are more open with their personal life and opinions that consequently motivates them to develop the feeling of brand connections and brand trust towards the brand content presented by the YouTube celebrities.


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How to Cite

Chantokul, D., & Chantamas, M. (2023). The Effects of the Parasocial Relationship with Celebrity YouTubers Towards Thai Middle Aged Viewers’ Purchase Intentions: The Role of Self-disclosure, Self-brand Connection, and Brand Trust . Journal of Business Administration The Association of Private Higher Education Institutions of Thailand, 12(2), 101–119. retrieved from



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