The Effects of Transformational Leadership on Team Innovation: The case of Private Universities in Thailand
Transformational leadership, Team learning, Innovation culture, Innovative team, The Private UniversitiesAbstract
The objectives of the study were to identify the transformational leadership that impacts team innovation, and to explore the relationship between team learning and innovation culture in Thailand’s private universities. The 400 respondents, who filled out questionnaires, were faculty and staff members in International Affairs Division of Thai Private Universities. The analysis of data was Confirmatory Analysis Method or CFA in order to prove hypotheses testing.
The result found that there was the direct impact to each variable relationship. However, the relationship between transformational leadership had no direct effect towards team innovation as well as team learning had no direct effect towards innovative team. On the other hand, other variables had effect team innovation. The explanation of model was revealed that 14.6 percent of team learning and 63.4 percent of innovation culture were variation of transformational leadership including the indirect impact through innovation culture to innovative team with the value of 84.3 percent. The finding clearly revealed the tendency demeans the principles of transformational leadership extension to which faculty and staff members were willing to embrace change from Coronavirus Disease 2019 or COVID-19 pandemic as well as being acceptance of accountability as a team to build innovation performance for organizational potential.
The contributions of this study will be useful for policymakers can be able to reformulate management policies on Thai private universities as well as instill cultures in order to implement team learning or innovation issues with a particular focuses on team innovation building. Moreover, the examination of productivity from the transformational leadership for improving the prevailing methods that develop another level of performance. The executives’ expectation is willing to enhance the value through their alignment and teamwork for innovation accomplishment.
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