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Amonrat Nonkasem
Theera Phudee
Rutchadaporn Ngoiphutorn


This action research was conducted with the objectives 1) to examine the problems of teacher development in creating learning innovation to promote Executive Functions (EF) for early childhood, 2) to study guidelines for developing teachers in creating learning innovation to promote EF for early childhood, 3) to examine the effects after teacher development. The target group in the research consisted of five participants, comprising four teachers, a head of the academic affairs division, and two key informants, namely a school director and a guest speaker. The tools included a structured interview form, a pre-post self-assessment form, with a reliability of 0.94, a meeting recording form, a professional learning community form (PLC), and an after-action review form (AAR). The refined research instruments were validated for content appropriateness by the thesis advisors and experts. The statistics for data analysis were percentage, mean (gif.latex?\upsilon), standard deviation (gif.latex?\sigma), and a summary analysis of statistical and descriptive data.

The results showed that:

1. The problems of teacher development in learning innovation to promote EF for early childhood at Chumchonyodkaengsongkhor School included teachers’ lack of practical skills, and application skills in preparing EF lesson plans for early childhood. The results after the workshop revealed that teachers obtained abilities to create learning innovation to promote EF for early childhood, accounting for 57.50 percent at a moderate level (gif.latex?\upsilon=3.20, gif.latex?\sigma=0.40). When examining each aspect, the level of cognition was moderate (gif.latex?\upsilon=2.59, gif.latex?\sigma=0.28). Teacher attitudes reached a high level (gif.latex?\upsilon=4.30, gif.latex?\sigma=0.61), while teacher skills were at a low level (gif.latex?\upsilon=1.51, gif.latex?\sigma=0.15), respectively.

2. The guidelines for developing teachers in creating learning innovation to promote EF for early childhood at Chumchonyodkaengsongkhor School consisted of 1) A Day-Workshop on the creation of learning innovation to enhance EF for early childhood, amounted to six hours in total, covered four activities: (1) EF media sculpture knowledge, (2) EF self-creation experience media, (3) teachers creating EF experiences, and (4) teachers creating EF media, and 2) PLC recording activities for two days, totaling six hours, and 3) Performance Reflection (After Action Review: AAR), for a day with six hours.

3. The effects after the teacher development in creating learning innovation to promote EF for early childhood at Chumchonyodkaengsongkhor School revealed that:

3.1 From the workshop, teachers demonstrated improvement in their performance skills in promoting EF for early childhood and were skilled in designing lesson plans and implementing these plans in practice, indicating that after the workshop, teachers were able to create learning innovation for promoting EF for early childhood, accounting for 87.50 percent, at a high level overall (gif.latex?\upsilon=4.06, gif.latex?\sigma=0.27). When considering each aspect, teachers displayed a high level of cognition (gif.latex?\upsilon=3.83, gif.latex?\sigma=0.35). Their attitudes were positive, reaching a high level (gif.latex?\upsilon=4.37, gif.latex?\sigma=0.25). Their skills demonstrated an improvement, reaching a high level (gif.latex?\upsilon=3.97, gif.latex?\sigma=0.32), which was higher than those before the workshop.

3.2 Based on the PLC recording, teachers acquired knowledge and understanding in managing EF teaching and learning experiences. Teachers also learned necessary skills concerning utilizing various EF innovations for early childhood and implemented the knowledge gained from the training by using media to enhance EF in early childhood and integrated it into teaching and learning effectively.

3.3 From the performance reflection (After Action Review: AAR), after the workshop, teachers acquired knowledge and understanding in managing EF teaching and learning experiences to enhance the quality of early childhood, foster learners’ interest in learning, and develop a diverse range of new knowledge. Teachers also learned practical skills in using EF innovation for early childhood and implemented the knowledge gained from the training and PLC activities to improve teaching and learning experiences to promote early childhood cognition and positive attitudes and EF learning skills.

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