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Fuangarun Preededilok


The research project titled “Guidelines for Developing Learning and Teaching of Education for Sustainable Development Courses in the Faculty of Education” aimed to 1) analyze learning outcomes of learning and teaching in Education for Sustainable Development Courses (ESD), 2) analyze the utility of learning and teaching in Education for Sustainable Development Courses, and 3) propose guidelines for developing learning and teaching of Education for Sustainable Development Courses. Mixed Methods Research was undertaken with the key informants being undergraduate and graduate students who enrolled in ESD courses in the Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University, and experts.

The research findings were as follows: 1) The learning outcomes for undergraduate, and graduate students in CU CAS were at a good level and a very good level according to the core competency for sustainability. Systematic thinking ability was ranked first at the undergraduate level, while self-awareness ability was ranked first at the graduate level, 2) Both undergraduate and graduate students had similar agreed-upon utilities. During the practicum time, the first rank item was enthusiasm to alter behaviors after acquiring information or new knowledge useful and relevant to sustainable development. Following graduation, the first rank item was to incorporate knowledge of sustainable development into daily life, and 3) The guidelines for developing learning and teaching for Education for Sustainable Development Courses should be adjusted by changing the courses’ contents as a module with a focus on self-directed learning and modified to fit the uncertain situations of the present

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