แนวทางการบริหารงานวิชาการของสถานศึกษาในจังหวัดอุทัยธานี สังกัดสำนักงานคณะกรรมการการอาชีวศึกษา

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Siwalee Dangsri
Teeppipat Suntawan
Thitinan Duangsuwan


The objectives of this research were to 1) investigate academic administration problems, and 2) develop guidelines for the academic administration of educational institutions in Uthai Thani under the Office of Vocational Education Commission. The research process was divided into two steps: 1) studying the problems of academic administration in a population consisting of 215 administrators and teachers, and 2) proposing guidelines for academic administration. The research instruments included a set of 5-level rating scale questionnaires with the reliability of 0.98. The statistics for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean and fraction, and standard deviation, the research tool was a group conversation log form with seven experts using content analysis.

The findings revealed that

1. Academic administration problems in educational institutions in Uthai Thani Province were overall at a moderate level. When each aspect was considered, the task with the highest problem level (gif.latex?\upsilon= 2.67) was educational curriculum development, whereas the lowest problem level (gif.latex?\upsilon= 2.53) was measurement and evaluation.

 2. The guidelines for the academic administration of educational institutions in Uthai Thani province comprised: 2.1) Program Departments administrators should organize a workshop project to encourage teachers to research in the field of teaching and learning development to improve the learning quality in individual departments, 2.2) Educational Curriculum Development administrators should analyze conditions of curriculum problems that can be used as a tool in organizing training, revising, and developing their curriculum to meet the goals in a manner appropriate to the school context, 2.3) Measurement and Evaluation. Administrators should invite speakers to share their knowledge by organizing workshops for teachers who teach the same subjects in preparing for the standardized exam and implementing the standardized exam across the province, 2.4) Academic Services and Libraries. Administrators and teachers should register learning resources both inside and outside of educational institutions and collaborate with all stakeholders in exchanging and utilizing learning resources. 2.5) Before sending students for internships, the Dual Vocational Education Work and administrators should appoint a committee of Dual Vocational Education to be involved in decision-making and planning a joint business establishment, and 2.6) Educational Media Work. Administrators should encourage the provision of adequate media and technology for the needs of teachers and personnel in educational institutions, planning integrated workplaces. Consequently, the use of the evaluation of media and technology should be used to improve the areas that need to be solved and improved.

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