การพัฒนาแนวทางการทำงานเป็นทีมสำหรับสถานศึกษา สังกัดองค์การบริหารส่วนจังหวัดชัยภูมิ

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ประหยัด ชำนาญ



This research aimed to: 1) determine the components and indicators of teamwork, 2) examine the current and desirable conditions of teamwork in schools under Chaiyaphum Provincial Administrative Organization (PAO), and

3) develop guidelines for teamwork in schools under Chaiyaphum PAO. This research was divided into three phases. The first phase was to determine the components and indicators. The suitability assessment was also conducted through seven scholars. The second phase was related to examine the current and desirable conditions. The  samples in this phase were 260 administrators and teachers working under Chaiyaphum PAO. The third phase was conducted for suitability and feasibility assessment through seven scholars. The statistics used for this research were mean, percentage, and standard deviation. 

            The findings revealed as follow:

  1. The components and indicators of teamwork in schools under Chaiyaphum PAO included seven components with 34 indicators, with the suitability at the highest level.

  2. The results from examining the current and desirable conditions of team work in schools under Chaiyaphum PAO indicated that the current conditions were at moderate level in overall, while the desirable conditions were at a high level.

  3. The guidelines for teamwork in schools under Chaiyaphum PAO comprised seven components with 40 guidelines in the highest level of suitability and a high level of feasibility.

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