Implementation Based on the School Guidance Standards Affecting the Competencies of the Students in the Schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Chonburi Rayong


  • Ploypailin Karin Educational Administration, Graduate School, Bangkok Suvarnabhumi University
  • Niwat Noymanee Educational Administration, Graduate School, Bangkok Suvarnabhumi University
  • Kanyaporn Iamphaya Educational Administration, Graduate School, Bangkok Suvarnabhumi University


Guidance Standards, Schools, the Competencies of the Students


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the implementation level based on the school guidance standards and the competency level of the students in the schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Chonburi Rayong and 2) to study the implementation based on the school guidance standards affecting the competencies of the students in the schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Chonburi Rayong. The samples were 289 teachers consisting of the guidance teachers and the consultant teachers in the schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Chonburi Rayong. They were randomized by multi-stage sampling. The sample size was determined by Krejcie and Morgan’s Table. The research instrument was a questionnaire asking for the opinions of the teachers. The statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and a stepwise multiple regression analysis.

The research findings were as follows.

  1.  The implementation based on the school guidance standards in the schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Chonburi Rayong in the overall was at a high level ( gif.latex?\fn_jvn&space;\bar{x} = 4.24) and the competencies of the students in the schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Chonburi Rayong in the overall were at a high level (gif.latex?\fn_jvn&space;\bar{x} = 4.11).  
  2.  The implementation based on the school guidance standards affecting the competencies of the students in the schools with the statistical significance at the level of .05 had the predictive power of .722. This indicated that the implementation based on the school guidance standards could predict the competencies of the students in the schools by 72.20%, and the analysis findings of the best implementation based on the school guidance standards affecting the competencies of the students in the schools consisted of 3 variables: student quality (X1), guidance management quality (X3), and guidance practice quality (X2). The 3 variables could be used to write the raw score predictive equation and the standard score predictive equation as follows:

The raw score predictive equation:  Y=   (-.64)+ .630 (x1 ) + .142 ( x2)  + .245 (x3 )

The standard score predictive equation: Z =    .588 ( x1)  +.247 (x3 )  + .119 (x2 )


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How to Cite

Karin, P., Noymanee, N. ., & Iamphaya , K. . (2024). Implementation Based on the School Guidance Standards Affecting the Competencies of the Students in the Schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Chonburi Rayong. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 19(1), 45–54. Retrieved from



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