An Action Research to Develop Mathematical Communicative Ability in Writing for the Fifth Grade Students by Using the Action Research through Learning Activities According to Inquiry-Based Learning Supplemented with a KWDL Technique


  • Saruta Pichaipusit Master of Education Program in Educational Research and Evaluation, Udon Thani Rajabhat University
  • Phongsak Srichan Master of Education Program in Educational Research and Evaluation, Udon Thani Rajabhat University


An Action Research, Inquiry-Based Learning in Groups, a KWDL Technique, Mathematical Communicative Ability in Writing


The objectives of this research were 1) to develop learning activities enhancing mathematical communicative ability in writing by using inquiry-based learning in groups supplemented with a KWDL technique and 2) to study the findings of the development of the mathematical communicative ability in writing after learning by using the inquiry-based learning in groups supplemented with a KWDL technique. The target group consisted of 14 students studying in the fifth grade in the second semester in the academic year of 2022 at a school under Udon Thani Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. The research methodology was conducted by using the action research. The research instruments were divided into 3 parts: 1) the instruments used were 9 sets of mathematical learning management plans on percentage with 3 operating cycles, 2) the instruments used to reflect the findings of the operation consisting of the teachers’ behavior observation form, the students’ learning behavior observation form observed by the research assistant teachers, an interview form used to interview the students at the end of the operating cycles done by the researchers and the research assistants, and a test at the end of the operating cycles, and 3) the instrument used to evaluate the research findings was a mathematical communicative ability test in writing. The statistics used were percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

       The research findings were as follows.

  1.  The development of the mathematical learning activities on percentage by using the inquiry-based learning in groups supplemented by a KWDL technique that could develop the mathematical communicative ability in writing for the fifth grade students consisted of 6 important procedures: identifying the study topics and arranging the groups of the students, planning for learning, operating inquiry-based learning that the students solved problems and communicated the mathematical concepts through activity handouts based on a KWDL techniques consisting of 4 steps, preparing the presentation of the groups’ reports, presenting the groups’ reports, and evaluating the findings.
  2.  According to the test of the mathematical communicative ability in writing, the students had the mathematical communicative ability in writing based on the criterion the researchers regulated with the mean score of 32.57, 90.48%, and the standard deviation of 2.85. All students had the mean scores of at least 75%.


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How to Cite

Pichaipusit , S. ., & Srichan, P. . (2024). An Action Research to Develop Mathematical Communicative Ability in Writing for the Fifth Grade Students by Using the Action Research through Learning Activities According to Inquiry-Based Learning Supplemented with a KWDL Technique . Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 19(1), 21–34. Retrieved from



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