Situations, Needs, and Guidelines for Developing Digital Technology to Be Used in Learning Management in Schools under Bueng Kan Primary Educational Service Area Office
Current Situations, Desirable Situations, Needs, Guidelines for Developing, Digital TechnologyAbstract
The objectives of this research were 1) to study current and desirable conditions, 2) to evaluate needs, and 3) to develop guidelines for using digital technology to be used in learning management in schools. The samples consisted of 303 participants: administrators and teachers. The sample size was determined by the percentage criteria. They were randomized by stratified random sampling. The research instruments were a questionnaire asking for the current situations, a questionnaire asking for the desirable situations, a structural interview form, and an evaluation form used to evaluate the appropriateness and the possibility of the guidelines. The statistics used were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and the Modified Priority Need Index (PNImidified).
The research findings were as follows.
- The current situations in the overall were at a high level. The desirable situations in the overall were at the highest level.
- The needs with the values that were higher than the overall value were the access to the digital technology network systems and the designs for learning management, respectively.
- The guidelines for developing included 1) the access to the digital technology network system, the related organizations, and the schools that should provide the digital technology resources sufficiently according to the needs of the schools and plan to get rid of the access to the digital technology network system to keep the cyber world safe, 2) the good attitudes towards the use of the digital technology—the administrators and the teachers should open their minds to accept and understand the benefits of the use of the digital technology, 3) the knowledge skills in the use of the digital technology—the teachers should be ready to develop themselves to have knowledge and understanding in the use of the digital technology by having ability to use the basic digital instruments successfully, 4) the learning management and innovation design—the teachers should design learning activities by adhering learners as a center and analyze the curriculum to design the contents and learning units to be various, accurate, and reliable, 5) the morality and being the digital citizens—the teachers should realize morality, intellectual patents, rights, freedom, and responsibility by using their judgement in thinking and analyzing to check the resources of the data and to protect the personal information. The findings of the evaluation showed that the guidelines for developing in the overall were appropriate at the highest level and possible to be used at a high level.
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