Development of English Reading Comprehension Activity Packages Using Gap Filling Activities for the Fourth Grade Students
The objectives of this research were to develop and find the efficiency of the English reading comprehension activity packages using gap filling activities for the fourth grade students based on the efficiency of the criteria of 80/80 and to compare the students’ learning achievement before and after learning by using the English reading comprehension activity packages using gap filling activities. The samples used in the research were 40 students studying in the fourth grade in Wat Boa (Nantawittaya) School, Nakhon Pakkret 1, Pakkret Municipality, Pakkret District, Nonthaburi Province, in the second semester of 2020 academic year. They were randomized by cluster sampling. The research instruments were 6 packages of English reading comprehension activities using gap filling activities and a learning achievement test. The statistics used were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test.
The research findings were as follows.
- The English reading comprehension activity packages using gap filling activities for the fourth grade students consisted of Hobby, Myself, Weather, Family, Food, and School, with the efficiency of 82.88/83.33.
- The students learning by using the English reading comprehension packages using gap filling activities had the learning achievement after learning higher than that before learning with the statistical significance at the level of .01.
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