Development of Analytical Thinking Skills using the 5 STEPs Learning Process integrated with Song for Students under Phranakhon Sri Ayutthaya Secondary Educational Service Area Office
Analytical Thinking Skills, 5 STEPs Collaborative Learning Process, MelodyAbstract
The objectives of this research were 1) to compare analytical thinking skills after learning of the group learning by using the 5 STEPs learning process integrated with songs and the group learning by using the regular learning process for the students under Ayutthaya Secondary Educational Service Area Office and 2) to compare learning achievement after learning of the group learning by using the 5 STEPs learning process integrated with songs and the group learning by using the regular learning process for the students under Ayutthaya Secondary Educational Service Area Office. The samples were 60 students studying in the ninth grade at Bang Pa-In School "Rachanukroh 1", Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province. They were divided into two groups: an experimental group and a control group, and randomized by multi-stage sampling. The research instruments were 1) Thai language learning management plans using the 5 STEPs learning process integrated with songs, 2) a learning achievement test, 3) a test for analytical thinking evaluation. The statistics were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test dependent.
The research findings were as follows.
- The mean score of the analytical thinking skills of the group learning by using the 5 STEPs learning process integrated with songs after learning was higher than that of the group learning by using the regular learning process with the statistical significance at the level of .05, and the mean score of the learning achievement of the group learning by using the 5 STEPs learning process integrated with songs after learning was higher than that before learning with the statistical significance at the level of .05.
- The mean score of the learning achievement of the group learning by using the 5 STEPs learning process integrated with songs after learning was higher than that of the group learning by using the regular learning process with the statistical significance at the level of .05, and the mean score of the learning achievement of the group learning by using the 5 STEPs learning process integrated with songs after learning was higher than that before learning with the statistical significance at the level of .05.
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