A model for Enhancing Self-Management Skills to Prevent the Acute Ischemic Stroke of the Elderly People at Risk of the Stroke in the Areas Responsible by Ban Thung Bon Sub-District Health Promoting Hospital, Warin Chamrap District, Ubon Ratchathani Province
Self-Management Skills, Acute Ischemia Stroke, Elderly People at Risk of the StrokeAbstract
The objective of the research was to develop a model for enhancing self-management skills to prevent the acute ischemic stroke of the elderly people at risk of the stroke in the areas responsible by Ban Thung Bon Sub-District Health Promoting Hospital. The samples were 40 elderly people at risk of the stroke. They were randomized by simple sampling. The research was conducted from September 2021 to August 2022. The research instruments were a questionnaire and the records of the group discussion. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, t-test, and content analysis.
The research findings were as follows.
- The model for enhancing self-management skills to prevent the acute ischemic stroke of the elderly people at risk of the stroke consisted of 6 activities: 1) developing the potential of the voluntees taking care of the patients and the elderly people at risk of the stroke, 2) developing health education media and warning sign cards, educating, and evaluating knowledge based on the health belief patterns, 4) practicing to use waring communication cards, 5) following up by visiting patients at home, and 6) returning the data to the communities and reviewing lessons.
- After using the model, the elderly people at risk of the stroke had knowledge about the acute ischemic stroke and the prevention of the acute ischemic stroke, precepted the health belief patterns of the stroke, and had the self-management skills to prevent the acute ischemic stroke and the stroke more than before using the model with the statistical significance. They were satisfied by using the model at the highest level. They could increase the realization of the importance of the stroke and use the emergency call immediately.
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