Development of English Reading Comprehension by Using a KWLH Plus Technique for the Sixth Grader Students
Learning Kits, English Reading Comprehension, KWLH Plus techniqueAbstract
The objectives of the research were 1) to study and compare learning achievement before and after learning English reading comprehension by using a KWLH Plus technique for the sixth-grade students and 2) to study the satisfaction of the students towards the model of learning management by using a KWLH Plus technique. The samples used in the research were 31 students studying in the sixth grade in the second semester in the academic year of 2020 at Ban Huataphan School and Ban Siew School. They were randomized by cluster sampling. The research instruments were a set of English reading comprehension activities by using learning management of a KWLH Plus technique, learning management plans used with the set of English reading comprehension activities, a test used to measure learning achievement, an evaluation form used to measure the students ‘writing, and a questionnaire used to ask the satisfaction of the students towards the model of leaning management. The statistics used in the research were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test.
The research findings were as follows.
- The learning achievement of the students meaning the achievement of English reading comprehension using the model of the learning management by using a KWLH Plus technique was at a good level and the comparison of the learning achievement before and after learning revealed that the mean score of the learning achievement after learning was higher than that before learning with the statistical significance at the level of .01.
- The students were satisfied the model of the learning management by using the KWLH Plus technique in the overall at the highest level with the mean score of 4.51.
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