Analysis of the Booking.Com Application Design Affecting the Actual Use of the users in Thailand


  • Rawiporn Jitareerat Faculty of Communication Arts Bangkok University
  • Patama Satawedin Faculty of Communication Arts Bangkok University


Online Service Booking Systems of the Mobile Application, Users’ Experience, Model Design


The objectives of the research were 1) to study the development of the online service booking systems of the mobile application to book hotels by studying from the application and 2) to study the satisfaction of the users from using the online service booking system of the mobile application. The samples were 5 users using the booking application regularly to book hotels. They used only one application to book hotels and had the booking rates more than 12 times per year. They were selected by purposive sampling. The research instruments were experimental. The researchers determined the criteria to select the informants who had direct experience, understood, and had knowledge about booking hotels by using the online service booking systems of the mobile application. They selected the informants who were the users using the online service booking systems of the mobile application to book hotels.

              The research findings were as follows.

  1. 1. The best online service booking system was the third version because the forms of the symbols were easy to be used and the output variables that were not important for using were cut off. Therefore, the users spent time to use the third version at the least level.
  2. The findings of the survey of the satisfaction of the users towards the online service booking systems showed that the users were satisfied, had good experience, and felt that they could use the third version more easily, more comfortably, and better.


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How to Cite

Jitareerat, R., & Satawedin, P. . (2022). Analysis of the Booking.Com Application Design Affecting the Actual Use of the users in Thailand. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 17(3), 167–174. retrieved from



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