Upgrading Learning Management Levels Based on the Approach of the Teachers Being Able to Think Approach in the Nursery - Kindergarten Department, Sisaket Rajabhat University Demonstration School


  • Nitaya Khangkhun Faculty of Education, Sisaket Rajabhat University


Learning Management Based on the Approach of the Teachers Being Able to Think, the Development of the Nursery-Kindergarten Teachers, Sisaket Rajabhat University Demonstration School


The objectives of this research were 1) to study  conditions and upgrading  learning management levels based on the approach of the teachers being able to think, 2) to develop nursery-kindergarten teachers in Sisaket Rajabhat University Demonstration School to gain knowledge and understanding in learning management based on the approach of the teachers being able to think,  and 3) to study the findings of the development of the nursery-kindergarten teachers in Sisaket Rajabhat University Demonstration School in upgrading  learning management levels based on the approach of the teachers being able to think. The informant group consisted of administrators and teachers in Sisaket Rajabhat University Demonstration School in a total of 19 people. The research instruments were an interview form, a questionnaire, an observation form, a meeting record form, and an evaluation form from the process of PLC. The data were analyzed by using a triangular data validation technique. The statistics used in the research were mean and standard deviation. The research findings were proposed by illustrative and descriptive analysis. 

          The research findings were found as follows.

  1. The findings of the study of the conditions of the upgrading learning management levels based on the approach of the teachers being able to think showed that learning management of each teacher had a successful model because the teachers understand learning management based on the approach of the teachers being able to think according to the learning management approach using the specific innovation of the DMS-Model. However, some items such as analytical thinking and learning management skills were considered. Although the teachers were trained in learning management in analytical thinking, when they wrote the learning management plans and arranged the learning management in the analytical thinking seriously, they still lacked of resources to support, documents, and personnel to help advice in learning management in thinking. All of the teachers wanted to manage learning in analytical thinking, so they wanted to be trained by participating in the workshop on participatory learning to make them have knowledge and understand in managing learning in analytical thinking, and they wanted the supports in documents, personnel, monitoring, helping, and practicing until they could manage learning in analytical thinking. Also, they wanted the trainers who were specialists to upgrade learning levels in analytical thinking to provide them knowledge and to be their mentors following up continually until the teachers could be able to manage learning in analytical thinking and upgrade learning levels based on the approach of teachers being able to think in additional dimensions.
  2. The findings of the development of the nursery-kindergarten teachers in Sisaket Rajabhat University Demonstration School to have knowledge and understand in learning management based on the approach of the teachers being able to think showed that all of the teachers had more knowledge and better understood in learning management, and there were upgrading the learning management levels based on the approach of the teachers being able to think in the item of the analytical thinking according to the concepts of Zeichner and Liston.
  3. The nursery-kindergarten teachers in Sisaket Rajabhat University Demonstration School could upgrade learning management based on the approach of the teachers being able to think in the analytical thinking according to the concepts of Zeichner and Liston. This finding was reflected from the comparison of the development of the students that the research group organized the learning management for. When the development in the overall was considered, the findings revealed that the development of the students shown after learning was more important than that before learning.


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How to Cite

Khangkhun, N. . (2023). Upgrading Learning Management Levels Based on the Approach of the Teachers Being Able to Think Approach in the Nursery - Kindergarten Department, Sisaket Rajabhat University Demonstration School. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 18(1), 15–25. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Pitchayatat/article/view/257868



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