Learning Management Based on STEM Education Operated by Using 5C Scientific Learning Management Procedures Affecting Physics Learning Achievement and Problem-Solving Abilities of the Tenth-Grade Students
5C Scientific Learning Management, STEM Education, Problem-Solving AbilityAbstract
The objectives of the research were 1) to develop learning management based on STEM education operated by using 5C scientific learning management procedures and 2) to study learning achievement and problem-solving ability of the students learning by using learning management based on STEM education operated by using 5C scientific leaning management procedures. The target group consisted of 33 students studying in the tenth grade, room 4/3, at Mahasarakham University Demonstration School (Secondary). The research instruments were 1) learning management plans, 2) a learning achievement test, and 3) a test for measuring the problem-solving ability. The research was conducted in the research form of the one-group post-test-only design. The statistics used to analyze data were percentage, mean, and standard deviation.
The research findings were as follows.
- The learning management based on STEM education operated by using 5C scientific learning management procedures consisted of 5 procedures used in learning management of each plan. 5 procedures included 1) building the connection, 2) building conflicts of opinions, 3) implementation, 4) comparison and conclusion, and 5) creation. The concepts of STEM education: Science (S), Technology (T), Engineering (E), and Mathematics (M), were inserted while the teachers were teaching each procedure.
- 33 students were taught by using learning management based on STEM education operated by using 5C scientific learning management procedures. The students had the mean score of the learning achievement of 26.45 out of the total score of 30 or 88.16% of the total score and the mean score of the problem-solving ability of 25.50 out of the total score of 30 or 85% of the total score.
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