Development of Teaching and Learning Management Activities Based on Murdoch Integrated Approach by Using English Reading Comprehension and Writing Kits for the Fourth-Grade Students


  • Suphara Saendaeng Master of Education Degree in Curriculum and Instructional Development
  • Sirisuda Thongchalerm Master of Education Degree in Curriculum and Instructional Development
  • Goachagorn Thipatdee Master of Education Degree in Curriculum and Instructional Development


English Reading Comprehension and Writing Kits, Murdoch Integrated Approach


The objectives of the research were 1) to develop teaching and learning management activities based on Murdoch Integrated Approach by using English reading comprehension and writing kits for the fourth-grade students with the efficiency of the standard criterion of 80/80 and 2) to compare learning achievement between after and before learning by using English reading comprehension and writing kits based on Murdoch Integrated Approach for the fourth-grade students. The samples used in the research were 30 students studying in the fourth grade at Anuban Bannua Khemmarat School under Ubon Ratchathani Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 in the second semester in the academic year of 2021. They were randomized by cluster sampling. The research instruments were lesson plans, 6 sets of English reading comprehension and writing kits based on Murdoch Integrated Approach for the fourth-grade students, and an achievement test. The statistics used in the research were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test.

              The research findings were as follows.

  1. The efficiency of the English reading comprehension and writing kits based on Murdoch Integrated Approach for the fourth-grade students was 86.28/82.22.
  2. The learning achievement of the English reading comprehension and writing of the fourth-grade students learning by using the English reading comprehension and writing kits based on Murdoch Integrated Approach for the fourth-grade students after learning was higher than that before learning with statistical significance at the level of .01.


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How to Cite

Saendaeng, S., Thongchalerm , S. ., & Thipatdee , G. . (2022). Development of Teaching and Learning Management Activities Based on Murdoch Integrated Approach by Using English Reading Comprehension and Writing Kits for the Fourth-Grade Students. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 17(3), 145–153. retrieved from



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