Development of a Supervision Model to Enhance Competencies in Creating Learning Management Innovation Based on the Concepts of the Professional Learning Community for the Secondary School Teachers


  • Thana Thusriwan The Secondary Education Service Area Office Ubon Ratchathani Amnat Charoen


a Supervision Model, Competency in Creating Learning Management innovation, Lesson study and open approach, Higher Order Thinking Competencies


The objectives of the research were 1) to develop a supervision model to enhance competencies in creating learning management innovation based on the concepts of the professional learning community for the secondary school teachers and 2) to study the results of the use of the supervision model to enhance the competencies in creating learning management innovation based on the concepts of the professional learning community for the secondary school teachers. The samples were 6 teachers in Cluster Campus School in Nam Na Boon under the Secondary Education Office Service Area, Ubon Ratchathani and Amnat Charoen, selected by purposive sampling and 180 students, randomized by cluster sampling, studying with the supervised teachers. The research instruments were a questionnaire, an interview form, an observation form, an evaluation form, and journal writing records. The statistics used in the research were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and content analysis.

              The research findings were as follows.

  1. The supervision model to enhance the competencies in creating learning management innovation based on the concepts of the professional learning community for the secondary school teachers consisted of four components: 1.1 the principles of the model, 1.2 the objectives of the model, 1.3 the supervision processes, and 1.4 the conditions for success. The findings of the supervision model evaluation done by the experts showed that the supervision model was appropriate in the overall at the highest level.
  2. The findings of the use of the supervision model were as follows.

                   2.1 After using the supervision model, all of the teachers had the competencies in creating learning management innovation higher than that before using it.

                  2.2 The evaluation forms for evaluating the instruments for the leaning achievement and the higher order thinking competencies for the supervised teachers were at a good level.  

    2.3 The students had the mean score of the leaning achievement after using the supervision model higher than that before using the supervision model to enhance the competencies in creating learning management innovation with the statistical significance at the level of .05. All of the students also had the mean score of the higher order thinking competencies after using the supervision model higher than that before using the supervision model to enhance the competencies in creating learning management innovation.

               2.4 The satisfaction of the supervised teachers towards the supervision model to enhance the competencies in creating learning management innovation was at the highest level.  


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How to Cite

Thusriwan, T. (2022). Development of a Supervision Model to Enhance Competencies in Creating Learning Management Innovation Based on the Concepts of the Professional Learning Community for the Secondary School Teachers. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 17(2), 133–142. Retrieved from



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