A Model of Transformational Leadership Development of School Administrators Affecting the Relationship between Schools and Communities under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Loei Nongbualamphu
A Model, Transformational Leadership, Relationship between Schools and CommunitiesAbstract
The objectives of the research were 1) to study the variables of the transformational leadership affecting the relationship between the schools and the communities under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Loei Nong Bua Lam Phu, 2) to create a model of the development of the transformational leadership affecting the relationship between the schools and the communities, and 3) to evaluate the model of the development of the transformational leadership affecting the relationship between the schools and the communities. The research was conducted into three phases. The first phase was to study the variables of the transformational leadership affecting the relationship between the schools and the communities. The samples were 291 participants consisting of the school administrators and the teachers teaching the secondary schools in Loei Province. The sample size was determined by using Krejcie & Morgan’s Table. The samples were randomized by cluster sampling based on the school sizes and simple sampling by drawing lots to obtain the samples. The research instrument was a five-rating scale questionnaire with the reliability of the whole questionnaire of .95. The second phase was to create a model of the development of the transformational leadership affecting the relationship between the schools and the communities. The creation of the model was divided into 2 steps. The first step was to investigate a multiple case study by using semi-structured interview. The samples were 3 school administrators from the secondary schools in Loei Province. They were selected by purposive sampling. The second step was to do group discussion. The samples were the stakeholders and people involving in doing the research to confirm the data. The third phase was to evaluate the model by 5 experts. The statistics used in the research were percentage, mean, standard deviation, correlation analysis, and multiple regression. The qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis.
The research findings were as follows.
- The transformational leadership could be used to predict the relationship between the schools and the communities. It consisted of 4 components: 1) individualized consideration, 2) intellectual stimulation, 3) being role models, and 4) the creation and the communication of the vision.
- The model of the development of the transformational leadership affecting the relationship between the schools and the communities consisted of 5 components: 1) the name of the model, 2) the principles and the importance of the model, 3) the objectives of the model, 4) the components of the model, and 5) the methods to use the model and the conditions for success consisting of 11 components of the development, 31 methods of the implementation, and 41 conditions for success.
- The findings of the evaluation showed that the model of the development of the transformational leadership affecting the relationship between the schools and the communities in the overall was at the highest level.
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