Effects of Learning Management in Japanese Courses by Using Flipped Classroom Concepts Associated with Direct Teaching Methods in Classrooms to Develop Listening and Speaking Skills of the 10th Grade Students in the English-Japanese Study Plan


  • Thananpach Tantikongpan Curriculum and Instruction Program, Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University
  • Nopphawan Chimroylarp Curriculum and Instruction Program, Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University
  • Yupaka Fukushima Curriculum and Instruction Program, Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University


Flipped Classrooms, Direct Teaching Methods, Japanese Listen and Speaking Skills, Japanese


               The objective of the research was to develop Japanese listening and speaking skills by using learning management based on flipped classroom concepts associated with direct teaching methods in classrooms. The research process was conducted by the quasi–experimental research. The researchers developed lesson plans in Japanese courses based on flipped classroom concepts associated with direct teaching methods in classrooms to improve Japanese listening and speaking skills. The lesson plans were checked by the experts in teaching Japanese courses. They were appropriated at the highest level and used in learning management with the samples. The samples were 21 students studying in the 10th grade, the room 4/4, the English-Japanese Study Plan, the second semester, and the academic year of 2021, at Sanguan Ying School. They were selected by purposive sampling. The samples were compared with the control group learning by using the regular learning management. The data were collected from a Japanese listening test and a Japanese Speaking test for the 10th grade students in the English-Japanese Study Plan and a questionnaire asking for the students’ satisfaction of the experimental group towards learning based on flipped classroom concepts associated with direct teaching methods in classrooms to improve Japanese listening and speaking skills. The statistics used in the research were mean, standard deviation, and t-test.

            The research findings were as follows.

            The students in the experimental group had the mean score of the listening skills higher than that of the control group with the statistical significance at the level of .001 and the students in the experimental group had the mean score of the speaking skills higher than that of the control group with the statistical significance at the level of .001 after learning by using learning management based on flipped classroom concepts associated with direct teaching methods. In addition, the students in the experimental group were satisfied in learning by using the flipped classroom concepts associated with the direct teaching methods at a high level.


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How to Cite

Tantikongpan, T., Chimroylarp, N. ., & Fukushima , Y. . (2022). Effects of Learning Management in Japanese Courses by Using Flipped Classroom Concepts Associated with Direct Teaching Methods in Classrooms to Develop Listening and Speaking Skills of the 10th Grade Students in the English-Japanese Study Plan. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 17(2), 97–105. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Pitchayatat/article/view/255922



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