Effects of Learning Management Based on the 5Es of Inquiry-Based Learning Model and Think-Pair-Share Techniques Affecting Mathematical Reasoning Ability and Mathematical Concepts of the Eighth-Grade Students
the 5Es of Inquiry-Based Learning Model and Think-Pair-Share Techniques, Mathematical Reasoning Ability, Mathematical ConceptsAbstract
The objective of the research was to compare mathematical reasoning ability and mathematical concepts of the eighth-grade students on introduction to real numbers after the students learned by using the 5Es of inquiry-based learning model and Think-Pair-Share techniques with the criterion of 70%. The samples used in the research were 26 students studying in the eighth grade. They were randomized by cluster sampling. The research instruments were lesson plans, a test for measuring reasoning ability and a test for measuring mathematical concepts. The statistics used in the research were mean, standard deviation, and t-test.
The research findings were as follows.
- The eighth-grade students learned by using the 5Es of inquiry-based learning model and Think-Pair-Share techniques had the mathematical reasoning ability higher than the criterion of 70% with the statistical significance at the level of .05.
- After the eighth-grade students learned by using the 5Es of inquiry-based learning model and Think-Pair-Share techniques had the mathematical concepts higher than the criterion of 70% with the statistical significance at the level of .05.
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