Situations, Needs, and Guidelines for Developing Learning Management Skills in the New Normal Era of the Teachers Under the Office of Nakhon Phanom Primary Educational Service Area 2


  • Wannisa Hongsamanut Faculty of Education, Nakhon Phanom University
  • Tatsana Prasantree Faculty of Education, Nakhon Phanom University
  • Sumalee Sriputtarin Faculty of Education, Nakhon Phanom University


Current Situations, Desirable Situations, the New Normal Era, Learning Management Skills


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study current and desirable situations, 2) to evaluate the needs, and 3) to develop guidelines for developing learning management skills in the new normal era of the teachers under the Office of  Nakhon Phanom Primary Educational Service Area 2. The samples were 345 school administrators. The sample size was determined by percentage criteria. The samples were randomized by multi-stage sampling. The research instruments consisted of four forms: 1) a five-rating scale questionnaire asking for the current situations of the learning management skills in the new normal era of the teachers, 2) a five-rating scale questionnaire asking for the desirable situations of the learning management skills in the new normal era of the teachers, and 3) a structured-interview form, and 4) an evaluation form used to evaluate the appropriateness and the possibility of the guidelines for developing the learning management skills in the new normal era of the teachers. The statistics used in the research were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Priority Needs Index (PNI modified).

              The research findings were as follows.

  1. The current situations of the learning management skills in the new normal ear of the teachers in the overall were at the highest level.
  2. The needs of the development of the learning management skills in the new normal era of the teachers with the three highest mean scores were the skills of information technology, measurement and evaluation, and learning management.
  3. The guidelines for developing the learning management skills in the new normal era of the teachers were that 1) In the learning management skills, the administrators and the office of educational area should arrange the training project of the teaching skills in the 21st century, 2) in the skills of the use of the communication and information technology, the administrators should assign the teachers who specialized in technology to be the trainers of the schools to help and teach other teachers in the schools, 3) in the learning management skills, the administrators should encourage the teachers to set up their calendars to make the supervision signs in the classrooms, 4) in the measurement and evaluation skills, the administrators should encourage the teachers to do the simple researches, propose the problems, offer guidelines, show the findings, and not emphasize on the content quantity, and 5) in life and career skills, the administrators or the office of the educational area should promote and support the teachers to do the academic works to promote their positions and receive awards from other organizations. The findings of the evaluation of the development guidelines showed that the development guidelines in the overall were appropriate and possible at the highest level.


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How to Cite

Hongsamanut , W. ., Prasantree , T. ., & Sriputtarin, S. . (2022). Situations, Needs, and Guidelines for Developing Learning Management Skills in the New Normal Era of the Teachers Under the Office of Nakhon Phanom Primary Educational Service Area 2. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 17(2), 55–67. Retrieved from



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