Conditions, Needs, and Guidelines for Developing Student Assistance Systems in the New Normal Era in the Schools under Nakhon Phanom Secondary Educational Service Area Office
Current Conditions, Desired Conditions, Student Assistance Systems, the Now Normal EraAbstract
The objectives of the research were 1) to study current and desired conditions, 2) to evaluate the needs, and 3) develop guidelines for developing the operation of the student assistance systems in the new normal era in the schools under Nakhon Phanom Secondary Educational Service Area Office. The samples were school administrators and teachers in a total of 333 people. They were randomized by multi-stage sampling. The sample size was determined by percentage criteria. The research instruments consisted of 4 sets of the instruments: (1) a questionnaire asking the samples for the current conditions of the operation of the student assistance systems in the new normal era in the schools with the item discrimination between .41-.76 and the reliability of the whole questionnaire at .94, (2) a questionnaire asking the samples for the desired conditions of the operation of the student assistance systems in the new normal era in the schools with the item discrimination between .45-.87 and the reliability of the whole questionnaire at .96, (3) an structured interview form, and (4) an evaluation form used to evaluate the appropriateness and the possibility of the guidelines for developing the operation of the student assistance systems in the new normal era in the schools. Four sets of the research instruments had the index of item objective congruence (IOC) at 1.00 in all items and in all four instruments. The statistics used in the research were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and the modified priority needs index (PNI modified).
The research findings were as follows.
- The current conditions of the operation of the student assistance systems in the new normal era in the schools in the overall were at a high level. The desired conditions of the operation of the student assistance systems in the new normal era in the schools in the overall were at the highest level.
- The findings of the evaluation of the needs in developing the operation of the student assistance systems in the new normal era in the schools showed that the top 3 aspects with the highest mean scores were the prevention and the problem solving for the students, forwarding, and the promotion and the development of the students.
- The finding of the evaluation of the guidelines for developing the operation of the student assistance systems in the new normal era in the schools indicated that the guidelines for developing the operation of the student assistance systems in the new normal era in the schools in the overall were appropriate to be used at the highest level and possible to be used at a high level.
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