A Participatory Action Research for Teachers’ Development towards The 21st Century Students
Participatory Action Research, Teacher Development, Learners in the 21st CenturyAbstract
This research is a qualitative research. The objectives were to 1) study the current condition and self-improvement needs of teachers according to the 21st century learner competency framework; 2) to study the changes occurring at the individual, group, and school levels; and 3) to study the satisfaction of the students. have a stake in the self-development of teachers to learners by using participative action research The target groups were 1) The research participants consisted of 15 administrators, teachers, and personnel teaching in the case studies schools. 2) Stakeholders were all research participants, learners, parents, and school committees. 3) Number of experts. 12 people were responsible for criticizing the research results and evaluating the teacher's self-improvement process. The research instruments were survey, record form, observation form, satisfaction assessment form. development process evaluation form The statistics used to analyze the data are: Content Analysis, Mean, Percentage and S.D
The research findings were as follows:
- Current conditions and self-improvement needs of teachers Most of them are policy-based training. according to the project from the relevant agencies not caused by the real needs of teachers Survey of teachers' self-improvement needs It was found that teachers had the desire to develop themselves to be competent in advanced thinking skills. communication and information technology Appreciation and love for local in terms of being a good citizen, being strong, having happiness, having morality, and having cooperation Work as a team with leadership
- The state of change that occurs at the individual level, i.e. teachers have 1) planning with clear goals, 2) open-mindedness, open-mindedness, ready to change and develop, 3) designing activities that focus on learners to practice. Learners are the owners of learning 4) Change roles to help, supervise, advise, observe, record, and teachers are there. 5) Exchange learning. reflect positive Changes at the school level resulted in an organizational culture, collaboration, innovation in classroom education to develop teachers in parallel with the development of learner competence and higher national achievements for the 2020 academic year.
- The stakeholders’ satisfaction were in the highest level of preference.
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