Creation of Cultural and Local Wisdom Tourism Knowledge in Surin Province by Using Educational Online Touring


  • jakkrapong waree Surindra Rajabhat University


cultural and local wisdom, Surin province tourism, Educational online touring


            The purpose of this research was to create cultural and local wisdom tourism knowledge in Surin province by using educational online touring. The research methodology was conducted by doing in-depth interview and using a questionnaire. The sample group consisted of 1) 400 residents in Surin province randomized by cluster random sampling, 2) 100 tourists randomized by convenience sampling, 3) 5 tourism staff in Surin province selected by purposive sampling, and 4) 5 experts in education technology elected by purposive sampling. The statistical instruments were descriptive statistics, arithmetic mean, and standard deviation.  

               The research findings were found as follows.

               The design of the interactive multimedia and the interface of the educational online touring was appropriate at a high level with the mean score of 4.32. In the cultural and local wisdom tourism knowledge in Surin province, 3 items were ready and likely to be developed to be learning resources leading to be developed to be tourist attractions clearly. They were 1) the elephant cemetery at Watpajiang Temple, KraPho Subdistrict, 2) Khao Lam Tha Sila, Mueang Kae Subdistrict, and 3) Sato Samun-Pry, Phon Krok Subdistrict. The satisfaction of the residents in Surin province towards the educational online touring in the overall was at a high level with the mean score of 3.87, and the satisfaction of the residents in Surin province towards the knowledge the residents received in the overall was at a high level with the mean score of 4.02. Besides, the satisfaction of the tourists towards the educational online touring in the overall was at a high level with the mean score of 3.79, and the satisfaction of the tourists towards the knowledge in the overall was at a high level with the mean score of 4.02.


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How to Cite

waree, jakkrapong. (2021). Creation of Cultural and Local Wisdom Tourism Knowledge in Surin Province by Using Educational Online Touring. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 16(1), 15–32. Retrieved from



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