Muslim Way of Life and Relationship to the Islamic Principles and Islamic Law Enforcement: Case Study of Suanluang 1 Community


  • สุวิมล พิชญไพบูลย์ มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลกรุงเทพ


Muslim way of life, Islamic principles, Islamic law, Relationship, Law enforcement


This study was an attempt to investigate the Muslim way of life, in terms of living according to both Islamic principles and Islamic law enforcement in Suan-Luang 1 Community. This research aimed to study the background and way of life of this community, as well as the influence of Islamic principles and Islamic law enforcement. This research consisted of qualitative and quantitative data. The target population of the quantitative data was the entire population of this community for 425 people. The target population of the qualitative data was the masjid committee, e.g. Imam, the Suan-Luang 1 Community committee, Muslim representatives in the community, the Local Savants, and elders in the community total 5 people.The results indicated that the target population was devoutly religious, strictly following the teachings of Allah, as told to Mohammed, through the Quran. Muslims are thought to be more devout compared to other religious groups. This is because Muslims are instilled with Islamic principles from childhood, which they demonstrate through their behavior and adherence to the Muslim way of life, such as testimony in their belief of Allah, the observance of Ramadan, etc. Moreover, the principles of Islam are observed by members of the community on an individual basis. In other words, they follow their religious beliefs on a personal level, without enforcement from any external source. Furthermore, an adherence to the principles of Islam is a part of the daily life of the members of this community, and these principles regulate their way of life. If the members of this community fail to follow the obligatory rules or deviate from Islamic principles, or the Muslim lifestyle, it would have a profound effect on their way of life. The members of this community believe that Allah, through Mohammed and the Quran, established the way in which the members of their faith should live their lives in terms of their personal behavior. Suan-Luang 1 Community’s way of life was influenced toward Islamic religion and Islamic law. From this, it was enforced to Islamic law for eightfold time. The significance was 0.01


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How to Cite

พิชญไพบูลย์ ส. (2018). Muslim Way of Life and Relationship to the Islamic Principles and Islamic Law Enforcement: Case Study of Suanluang 1 Community. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 13(2), 233–243. Retrieved from



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