The Pattern of Eco-cultural Tourism along the Chee River Basin for Conservation and Recovery of Local Lifestyle in Chee Tuan Subdistrict, Khueang Nai District, Ubon Ratchathani Province


  • สายรุ้ง ดินโคกสูง คณะบริหารศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยอุบลราชธานี
  • วิตติกา ทางชั้น คณะบริหารธุรกิจและการบัญชี มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น
  • สุภัชญา ธานี คณะเกษตรศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏอุบลราชธานี


eco-cultural tourism pattern, Conservation and recovery of local lifestyle and potential


This participatory action research (PAR) aimed to 1) study the local history, beliefs and community context including the traditional life style of local people lived along the Chee River from the past until present 2) figure out the local tourist attractions as well as its potential to tourism initiative and 3) discover the appropriate eco-cultural tourism activities concerning the local way of life conservation. The research was conducted through the participatory action between the university researchers and the local researcher team. It was shown that the community had four different eras in its history as follows: 1) the pioneer era (from 1917 to 1921 A.D) 2) the separated era (from 1922 to 1994 A.D) 3) the technology era (from 1995 to 2009 A.D) and 4) the rapacious era (from 2010 till present). The community had also high potential relating to tourism initiative since there were two types of tourist attractions found within; the cultural-based and the natural-based tourist attractions. Thoroughly the participatory processes, it was revealed that most of local researcher team members were the elders. Meanwhile, the outstanding local tourist attractions were categorized as nine stations as follows; 1) the Ampawannaram Temple, 2) the community’s sacred place and the ancient machine for producing the solid sugar cane syrup, 3) the ancient pulpit with Singha shape in Sri Nuan Temple, 4) the Tat Suan Tan Temple, 5) the Tung Sri Vilai temple, 6) the ancient bridge, 7) the Ta Keng Temple, 8) the Chee River basin and 9) the beaches. Moreover, the appropriate tour programs were basically arranged in two different forms; firstly, the half day trip program (could be either in the morning or in the afternoon). Tourists could choose three or four stations to complete this program. Secondly, the full day trip program, tourist could visit the whole stations. In addition, tourism initiative had helped to create the unity, extra income, the better relationship and conservation awareness of natural and cultural resources in the community. Last but not least, the initiative did promote the elders potential in term of leadership which made them felt a lot more helpful and happy.


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How to Cite

ดินโคกสูง ส., ทางชั้น ว., & ธานี ส. (2018). The Pattern of Eco-cultural Tourism along the Chee River Basin for Conservation and Recovery of Local Lifestyle in Chee Tuan Subdistrict, Khueang Nai District, Ubon Ratchathani Province. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 13(2), 213–221. Retrieved from



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