Development Model of Democratic Way by Strengthening Process of Democratic Ideologies Based on the Political Partnership Assumption in Mahasarakham Province


  • สัญญา เคณาภูมิ คณะรัฐศาสตร์และรัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏมหาสารคาม


Democratic way, Democratic ideologies strengthening, Political partnership


The article was the research part of democratic way development by the strengthening process of the democratic ideologies based on the political partnership assumption in Mahasarakham province which aimed to establish the development model of democratic way by democratic ideology enhancement process based on political partnership assumption. The data research resource consisted of (1) documentation; concepts, theories and researches such as democratic development, democratic ideology and political partnership, (2) sample were 50 persons who had experiences on academic, administration, politics includings scholars, politicians, community leaders, folk philosopher and people. The data were collected by study the related documents for synthesis the theoretical conceptual framework and draft the model, then take it to the seminar for criticizing by selected samples. The research data was analyzed by content analysis. The research results were as follows. The development model of democratic way by the democratic ideology enhancement process based on political partnership assumption consist of; (1) government institutes driver by creating atmosphere and arrange environment conducive to democratic development, socialization process by institute of state, family, religion and education, democratic driver based on multiple theories using stable social norms focusing on making sense of ownership including , socialization process by institute of state, socialization process by family, socialization process by religion institute and socialization process by education institute, (2) the individual and community development were; knowledge and understanding development, attitude development, ideology and sense of political partnership development, (3) Social civil network development focusing on together sense of ownership and watching out of government missions, and (4) participation in international agreements with international organizations, this was putting pressure and responsibility such as human rights, extradition, war criminals


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How to Cite

เคณาภูมิ ส. (2018). Development Model of Democratic Way by Strengthening Process of Democratic Ideologies Based on the Political Partnership Assumption in Mahasarakham Province. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 13(2), 197–211. Retrieved from



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