The Development of Web-Based Lesson under Constructivist Theory Concept to Encourage Analytical Thinking Skill in Topic of Computer in Daily Life for Seventh Grade Students


  • ภัชญาดา พรมศร คณะศึกษาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหาสารคาม


Web-Based lesson under constructivist theory concept, Constructivist theory, Analytical thinking skill


The objectives of this research were to 1. develop the web – based along the constructivist theory to encourage analytical thinking skill on computer in daily life of seventh grade students with required efficiency of 80/80, 2. study effectiveness index of develop the web – based Instruction along the constructivist theory by researcher, 3. compare learning achievement and analytical skills after learning with web based on constructivist theory and regular classes, 4. study students' satisfaction with web-based instruction based on constructivist theory. The samples for this study were 80 seventh grade students in the first semester of the academic year 2017 from Watsratong municipal school, Muang district, Roi Et province obtained by cluster random sampling. The experimental group were 40 MathayomSuksa 1/1 students and 40 Mathayomsuksa 1/2 students were control group. The research instruments included 1) web - based lesson on constructivist theory in topic of computer in daily life, 2) knowledge management plan of seventh grade students, 3) the achievement test of students who studied with web – based lesson on the constructivist theory in topic of computer in daily life test with 30 items 4) the analytical thinking test with 30 items 5) study the satisfaction for web - based lesson based on constructivist theory on computer in daily life with 10 items. The statistics used for analysis in data analysis include: mean, standard deviation, percentages, standard deviation, and for test hypothesis the t – test Independent. The result of this research found as the follows; 1. The developed the web – based lesson under the constructivist theory to encourage analytical thinking skill on computer in daily life for seventh grade students had an efficiency of 81.15/88.16, 2. The effectiveness index of the developed the web – based lesson under the constructivist theory to encourage analytical thinking skill on computer in daily life for seventh grade students was 0.7774 showing that the learner progressed their leaning was 77.74 percent. 3. The students who study through web – based lesson under the constructivist theory developed by the researcher has an achievement of student and analytical thinking skill higher than pre-study with the statistical significance .01 4. The student’s satisfaction towards web – based lesson under the constructivist theory on topic of computer in daily life of seventh grade students overall was at high level (x̄ = 4.11, S.D. = 0.77)


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How to Cite

พรมศร ภ. (2018). The Development of Web-Based Lesson under Constructivist Theory Concept to Encourage Analytical Thinking Skill in Topic of Computer in Daily Life for Seventh Grade Students. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 13(2), 137–146. Retrieved from



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